The Only Dog Groomer and Self Serve dog Wash in Downtown Charleston!

call 843-696-1651



Services & rates



Self service bath

Tired of washing your dog in your bathroom tub? Tired of the mess? Tired of the sore knees?  Well never fear! We have the space, utilities and access for everything you need to clean those dirty pups. We’ll even assist with their nails upon request for an additional $25. No appointment necessary!

drop off service BATH

Leave everything to us, we'll get your pup cleaned up for you. Washes include nail grinding, ear cleaning, and external anal gland expression. We also use premium shampoo and conditioner and do a full dry and brush out for your pup. Drop off bath services are by appointment only.

$75… Standard bath

$95… M/L Dog bath

$120… XL Dog bath



Additional services

These services include specialty items that aren't standard with a wash.

$30...  De-shedding Treatment

$10...  Flea Bath

Starting at $30… De-matting. Dematting is a case by case basis charge. We are a non-shave salon, so unless absolutely necessary we will demat your dog before we shave it. Dematting costs an extra charge as it is very time consuming.



$30… Without a bath                                  

No appointment necessary!



full service groom

Our talented and licensed dog groomers will get your pooch looking fluffy and clean! Grooms include a premium bath, ears, nails and external anal gland expression. Pricing ranges for dogs on a case by case basis. Dog grooming services are by appointment only. Please remember we are a non-shave salon. We will demat your dog unless it’s necessary to shave them.

spa maintenance

AKA: Face, Feet, Sanitary (FFS)

Maintenance treatments include a bath, brush out, and trim for face, feet trim (including nails), and sanitary area. Ears cleaned and hair plucked if needed. Spa Maintenance is also by appointment only.

Starting at $95… Standard FFS

Starting at $105… M/L Dog FFS

Starting at $120… XL Dog FFS





Does your pup need a ride to their appointment? Do you have a meeting and can’t pick them up? We would be happy to help!

Let us know in advance of your appointment so we can properly schedule a chauffeured ride for your dog’s haircut!

$15… Single Ride (on Peninsula)

$25… Round Trip Ride (on Peninsula)

$20+… Single Ride (off Peninsula)

$35+… Round Trip Ride (off Peninsula)



Add a splash of color to your pup! Dye is safe, non-toxic & non-bleaching. Multiple colors available! (Please note, that most colors do not work with dark colored dogs)

$35… Multiple Colors

$25… Single Color

$10… Touch Up Single Color

$20… Touch Up Multiple Colors





THE DOG WASH is a full-service dog grooming "bark-ber shop". We dedicate ourselves to your pup first and foremost. Your fur baby is our fur baby. Quality is incredibly important to us which is why we promise extreme care, love and respect for you, your dog, and our facilities. This is what keeps everyone so satisfied and happy to be a member of our family. 

Here at THE DOG WASH we use only the best premium shampoos, conditioners and equipment to make your pup feel at home and comfortable.

THE DOG WASH is the first and only dog groomer and self serve dog wash located in downtown Charleston. This ensures not only the most convenient shop for your needs, but a beautiful location to boot! 

We can't wait to meet you or see you again at THE DOG WASH. Call (843) 696-1651 to book an appointment or stop in and say hello. We always have biscuits!




Satisfied Customers




The Dog Wash is located at 138 St Philip Street in Downtown Charleston. 

We can be reached at (843) 696-1651 with any appointment requests or questions and we'll schedule you as soon as possible. 




9am - 5pm



about us


The Dog Wash was born out of necessity for my own dog's dirty paws. I adopted a Great Dane who loves to play with her friends. In the mud. After a storm one evening in 2014, she had the time of her life in the largest mud puddle I'd ever seen. I asked around at the park where I could go hose her down or find a dog groomer downtown. I got a lot of head shakes and a handful of "we don't have that kind of place downtown" answers. I had been wanting to start my own business for years and was waiting for inspiration to hit me. This seemed like the perfect idea and opportunity for me to become a part of the Charleston community AND to hang out with cute dogs all day. I really loved the idea of a spot that was basically a barber shop for pups. I combined the two ideas and with a little help, created a fun and classic barber style dog wash. Three years later I found a fabulous location downtown, talented dog groomers to join me and here we are. For us, dogs aren't just mud puddle jumpers, they are family members.

-Carrie Evans, owner







i have a doodle



Doodles are wonderful pets to own! They are great family dogs, companions, smart and highly trainable, and let’s face it….SO STINKING CUTE!

Doodles also require extra grooming because of their wiry/curly/wavy coats.


Here are some tips and info we’ve put together for y’all to get a general idea of at home grooming you should keep in mind with your cute fur babies:

Most doodles require daily maintenance of their coats. Even when they are cut short. Our shop’s general rule of thumb is to brush your dog 1 time a day per inch of length you’d like to keep your pup. So if you want 3” of hair on that baby, brush 3 times a day. I know this can seem very overwhelming but you can also divide your dog in to sections. Maybe Mondays, you brush the head and face, Tuesdays, all legs, etc. and of course if you have other members of your household, have them lend a hand. Doodles all tend to mat in very similar locations….The underarms, feet, neck and back of back legs. So keep special attention on these areas and you’ll never have to worry about matting. Matting also thrives on damp fur. If your pup goes swimming, takes a bath or is caught in the rain, make sure to brush them out real well once they are fully dry to keep those mats from starting. Besides your pup’s well-being, we are here to help educate you, the owner. If you need a lesson on how to brush and which brush to use, just ask, we would LOVE to show you. Knowledge is power.

Doodle fur/hair (er, most dog fur) actually acts as insulation. Don’t think of it as your pet wearing a sweater, think of it like a brick home….It keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. “But my dog is so hot!” Cutting them short will not make them cooler it will just make their coat easier to maintain. Also, dog’s skin is incredibly thin and sensitive. Which of course is why they have plenty of fur to cover and protect it. Cutting your dog’s fur short, leaves their skin vulnerable to the elements and in summer months can cause serious sun damage, especially to those super pink, fair skins. Sunburn on a dog is incredibly uncomfortable, and like humans, they can develop skin cancers from it. For these reasons, our shop’s stance is to never trim your dog’s coat shorter than we believe will effect their health. I know this might seem insensitive to the owner’s wishes, but dog’s health and safety come first to us.

Doodles DO shed. All dogs do. Some more than others and like humans, most shedding is good for their skin and coat. **Obviously if there is excess hair loss, please consult your veterinarian. Brushing daily will help loosen these hairs, move the healthy oils around and also keep dirt at bay. Brushing is also the BEST way to keep mats from starting. Once you notice that your dog is starting to mat, bring them into see us! You do NOT want this to get worse. Brushing mats is painful and usually pretty unsuccessful, so when this happens, take a deep breath and know that even if your dog has to be shaved down, it will grow back and you can get back on your brushing cycle. Keep harnesses and collars off your pups as much as you can especially when brushing. On a side note, if someone dog sits for you, a friend, a boarding facility, please ask them to brush your dog for you! It is important and most people are generally willing to help, especially if they know it’s for the well-being of your best friend. (Plus this will keep you from having to blame someone else for your dog’s matting issues…)

Plan for MONTHLY grooming of your doodle (with a professional!). Again, I’m sure that sounds really overwhelming, but if you can get your pup on a maintenance schedule for their coats, you will be set for life. Think of how happy you’ll be! Think of how happy your pup will be!



OK, this isn’t exactly questions & answers, just an fyi page:

These are some things we’d like you to know before your first (or even next) visit with us!

-Our prices are based on time and skill which is why we don’t like to make quotes over the phone. Please remember an estimate is just that. When we meet your dogs in person, we’ll be able to better relay your pricing. We are a non-shave salon so we demat dogs before we consider shaving them. Dematting costs extra money because it is extremely time consuming. (A good rule of thumb is generally around $1-2 per minute for dematting).

-We do take a credit card to hold your appointment at the time we make it. This is to ensure that you are serious about coming to see us and that you know our time is valuable. If you’d like to reschedule or cancel this appointment, please do so in a 24 hour window and we can and will accommodate. If we do not hear from you or see you at the time of your appointment, you will be charged a missed appointment fee. If we DO see you at the time of your appointment, but you decide you don’t want to stay for said appointment, you will be charged a missed appointment fee. If you cancel last minute or the day of your appointment, you will be charged a missed appointment fee. We send out a courtesy text message reminder the day before your appointment, please remember this is just that, a courtesy. Ultimately, we do expect our clients to be in charge of their own appointment scheduling.

-Because we like to put our best foot forward when working on your sweet pups, we take our time and generally hang on to them for 3-5 hours. Determining exact times is tricky with dogs since they are slightly unpredictable. If you need us to take your dog earlier than scheduled or hold on to them after they have been groomed, please let us know at the time you make the appointment (not the day of at drop off).

-Our Shuttle Service works best when we know in advance if you need a pick up to your appointment. We do have a maximum per day so if we can’t get to you, we will best accommodate for another time or date. Drop off service is preferably made in advance as well, but we’re more flexible if you ask the day of. If you are not home, we’ll need a spare key or lock code as well as instructions on where to bring your pup when we get there. Please understand there are moving parts to this service, so we can’t promise an exact time.

-Please take your pups for a nice LONG walk before they come and see us.